Questions, ruminations, and the occassional bit of silliness from this life and how it progresses.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Dare I say it...
I had new tires put on my car tonight. I am planning a trip to Portland because my brother will be there with his family, so it is a good time to go, but I needed some basic stuff on the car as well. Next will probably be the rear brakes. I was told the struts might also need to be replaced, but that new tires may delay that repair for a bit.
Dinner tonight was two slices of leftover artichoke pizza (with a white sauce base, rather than red), and a tomato, bean, and fried basil salad. The latter I was trying for the first time, and I think I need to work on it a bit more. It was tasty, but I don't think I cooked the basil long enough. I still have some, which means I will find out if it tastes better for having sat longer.
Dave, my best friend who has provided photo fodder, asked me to read "Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction" by Wallace Stevens. My impressions after reading the first section, "It must be abstract" are that in the poem supreme fiction equals poetry, but not poetry divinely inspired, as "Phoebus is dead, ephebe." There is also an indication that poetry should celebrate the abstract, rather than the concrete. I have only read the first section, so I am my impressions are likely to change. If I am lucky, I will manage to avoid reading any criticism online, which might very well affect my perceptions.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Hot Sunday.

My best bud was kind enough to give me a disk of photos from our vacation together back in '04. This particularly disturbing mannequin seemed all the rage in a certain Sarajevo Boutique, as they had at least three of them, though I don't recall if all of them were missing limbs. I was trying to make the perceived expression a little more bizarre, but I couldn't manipulate the image enough to make it odder than in the original.
Today was actually another warm day where a late lunch/early dinner in an air-conditioned restaurant didn't seem a bad idea, so I had a beer and a chipotle chicken calzone at Olympia II. The food was tasty.
I don't have much to write today. It has been warm. I have gone to the gym, did a bit of puttering around the house, read a bit more of "The Communist Manifesto," and bought some (more) blueberries. If I am not careful, I will become much like Violet Beauregarde, though I won't have to wait until they work out the kinks with dessert.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Another Hot Day....

Today is supposed to be in the 90's again. A bit unusual for Seattle, but nothing impossible. Last night I went to the Mariners game and watched a rather painful 4-5 innings before the Mariners were able to score something and make the final score look like a real game rather than what was more like a home run derby for the Red Sox.
I don't know what is on the schedule today. Probably just hanging out a bit and going to the gym.
One great discovery I have made this week, after owning my pc since November '05, I finally decided to try and connect my cam and scanner, and to my dismay, neither are supported by their manufacturers for XP. Just a few more dollars I need to spend that I hadn't planned on spending just yet, but that is life, and it just makes my move that much more expensive--at least I have a few pictures stored digitally to manipulate when bored.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
The Internationale
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Saturday's (Non) Events
Monday, July 03, 2006
Sea Planes
My weekend aside from that observation has been uneventful, though I have managed to get to the gym I joined Friday three times, which for me is a good record, and a percentage I will be surprised if I manage to maintain.