I don't know if this weekend things here will be updated, or if they will just sort of stay here, with pictures of Volvos past to greet the stumblers who find it. The rubble in the background used to be a derelict gas station, but has been in its present state for a good six months. It has me wondering if the short little building which was to be built is actually going to be built. The Googie style building not far from this above pile of rubble has apparently lost what little protection it has and will soon resemble this, without the vintage Volvos. I do with the people in charge of buildings would look at things aesthetically. While the Googie building is nothing truly special, what is taking its place, if the new neighbors are any example, will be worse. One of these condo building built with some vision other than dollar signs would be nice. Then again, the housing market going bust here about now might do the trick, too., though a boarded up Googie building, like we have now, won't be any sort of improvement, nor will a rubble pile.
Questions, ruminations, and the occassional bit of silliness from this life and how it progresses.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Super Long Weekend...
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Wednesday is it.
What it is, I am not sure, but by saying "it," I have made an incredibly authoritative statement, nearly on par with some of President Bush the second's, but then I am presuming too much on my wit or some such thing.
I really don't know why I felt the urge to include the Bush-meister in the post today, but it felt right. With the grey sort of skies, and much chillier, compared to last Friday & Saturday, weather, and the difficulty I am having uploading my image, it just compounds to become the perfect Busch time, though I am actually drinking a "Mothership Wit" from New Belgium. (I like that, I mention a good beer, and the lovely girl loads up.)
This week has been trying at work, but that is most likely because I am thinking of the long weekend, such a nice long weekend. Being the end of the month no doubt contributes its fair share of silliness to my mood, though in this case the silliness is of the frustrating sort. Should I be including fabulous literary or philosophical ramblings here? Probably not, as it would require me to come up with some, and that is just too close to something that takes effort. Too long recently I have been living the effortless life of doing pretty much nothing. It is amazing how easy that trap is to fall in here, with work a constant and my social life pretty non-existent. Just shoot your computer if this veers into the whine, which I am not sure will make me feel better, but I would enjoy that more than if you shot mine.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
End of Spring?
Well, it is Sunday and I have work in the morning, so that is that, as I need to be off to bed.
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