Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Found while browsing at work

Reading Dave's blog, and his highlights on the Declaration of Independence highlighting a couple of Georges, brought to mind this really cool image from Chip Kidd submitted for an exhibit in Florida. More on the exhibit can be found here and here. (The second is from the New York Times, so hopefully the link won't change.)

Lousy work week

Warning... if you actually venture to speak with me, do not ask about work, for I am afraid if you do, you will get what happened to Kip, which was a rant of frustration. I believe that the leader's in D.C. have infected everyone with the attitude of give me a report I like, rather than the much more uncomfortable truth. Yesterday I was basically told to put in bogus due date information in the computer so that all concerned parties would need to look in the system to see where the problems are, rather than a report which is pulled up in a manager meeting, but makes the boss look bad when the colors are raging red, and it seems everyone in the company is Pavlovian to see that red is bad, even if they can write it all off to a problem, the red itself is problematic.

To vent is nice, to job hunt is a better solution, though.