Friday, August 22, 2008

just something to add

So people don't think I have totally abandoned this, I am adding something, though not really much of anything. It is nice outside, and here I sit messing about with my computer. Such is life in this modern age-- perhaps in another time I would be scribbling in some notebook or else working 70 hour weeks for little compensation. This is really only an improvement if I manage to do something with the extra time. Creative things have not been flowing from me, which is no doubt one reason my mood has been so foul. I would like to blame it on a lot of things, but the truth of the matter is I am just not putting any effort there. All creation requires work, and we live in an age of relaxation. Why would I want to work any more than I already do to pay my bills? The answer, in theory, is so that I can do something I enjoy in order to pay the bills, rather than something I do just to pay the bills. That's it for now, more work about the house, which I was doing before launching into this.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Remember the home-brew...

Well, it has been bottled and aged appropriately. If the pour is done correctly, it is a very nice beer with an appropriate amber color, and a light head. The flavor is better if you don't allow the bottle dregs into the glass during the pour, as they change the flavor just enough. I should write more, but Kip is here (though he is on the phone right now), and we are enjoying the libations of our labors.