Friday, December 05, 2008

Instant Topic

Well, as long as I can't seem to get pictures to load on this, I have an instant, if repetitive, topic of conversation. Actually, I also think it would probably become a dull topic--really, how many different ways can one expound on the situation. It isn't a matter of blaming one or the other, since I don't know if it is my laptop or blogger that is having the issue. The combination of the two definitely doesn't work. I guess I could go to my windows machine, but that isn't nearly as comfortable as typing while curled up on the sofa.

The work week is finished, and I was very ready for it to be done, even striking up pointless conversations during the last half hour of the day, because the business at my desk was just not calling loud enough. Now I have to figure out the weekend, but that generally works itself out, though dinner tonight is my immediate concern. If I follow up on my thoughts, it will end up being the fourth night in a row I go find food outside of my kitchen. Ah well, the stomach is growling, so before this devolves further and further into what my appetite would like me to write, I will wrap it up.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Yet Again...

Another day that blogger is just not agreeing to accept photos. Oh well, aside from that, there is a fear that is rapidly being realized here, that of having nothing to write. Yes, I could lament the sun being down by 4, or that I haven't found the perfect gift for all those who need gifts this season, but that all seems so trivial. Not to mention, problems here don't always need to reflect problems facing the general populace, besides, aren't gift cards the end all be all of don't know what to give you gift giving. Aside from a general belief that those things aren't always great for everyone, I like to try and think some gift giving out, and keep that status of best gift giver that I somehow have managed to attain with my sister's kids.

The water is about ready for tea, so this is a good pause point. (Moroccan Pomegranate Red, if you are curious.) While Fred Meyer has the Celestial Seasonings Teas on sale 10/$10 this week, this purchase was not made as part of that. I bought a few, but do to limited space in my cabinets, I opted not to purchase more than a couple.

I guess that is about it for the night. The lack of fodder, as who really wants a continual update of the inanities of work, is the biggest deterrent on getting the magical 100 posts, which of coarse is just magical because I have decided it is. I could try for eleventy-one posts, but since there aren't that many days left this year, it would involve a several days with multiple posts, and with nothing to write about once a day, then my blog could well become Seinfeldesque in its coverage of nothing, which is of course better than nothingness, but that is Sartre, not Seinfeld, though the two are probably affiliated, perhaps with some L. Ron Hubbard thrown in.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Will I hit 100 this year

In January, I had hoped to do better than last year in quantity of blog entries. At some point, I had a good chance of doing it without going into overdrive at the end of the year. Now of course, too much screwing around with video games, I need to go into overdrive, though I am not sure that I am all that gung ho to do such a thing. I am a little irritated that blogger & tiger don't seem to get along well, or perhaps it is some other aspect of Apple's software that blogger doesn't like.

Tonight, I uploaded some pictures from a bit ago, and was going to upload one for the top of this, but it just didn't want to upload. Amazing how that is my re-occurring problem here, and, even more amazing, is that is isn't happening when I am using Vista. I don't think I have written any entries here on my Vista enabled PC, though I do know I have written about my Vista experiences. Consider this my complaint about Apple software post, though, more accurately, it may be a complaint about blogger/Google software, since their stuff seems more aimed at the Microsoft market, because Apple users have no need for internet based word processors.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Superfluous in Words

Only today did I read the comment on my October 29th post, and I wonder, is it that what is said about me is dull, or is it that I am just superfluous. It could be that I just don't fit. Odd, though, is the feeling, lately gaining momentum, that I don't have much of a place nor much of a focus as to where in the world I should go. Now, I am being edited out of places in other's writings. Hardly do I take offense, though I find it funny that several people found me to be the extraneous element in places the author identifies with me. On the other hand, if I find out that I am edited out of Sovata or the All-Saints' Day Bus ride to Targu Mures, then I will know the Purdue English Graduate Program Staff has it out for me, and intends to excise me from all my best friend's writing efforts.

(I can't say that Ozzy Osbourne did justice to the Beatles' "In My Life.")

Now that those things I hadn't intended to write about have been written about, I guess it is time to figure out what I planned to write about today, but it is too late. Thoughts have vanished, and I should take Twain's proposed advice to Fennimore Cooper, but I haven't always been known to take good advice. Actually, I managed to spit out a journal entry today, and I don't transcribe them, for some reason, the electronic and the written tend to stay in their separate stacks. If I can merge the electrons and the ink molecules, perhaps I can create something, and if I toss on a bit of paint, perhaps I will dub it Cubism for the 21st century.

What I really need to merge is my attention and focus, as they wander where they will generally taking my time with them, all over the place, but one thing they don't take is production or creation, and that is what is bothering me, but paint, write, or some other of the muses' blessings, it doesn't really matter, just do something.