While I have no real excuse for the lack of posts these last two months, these past two weeks I have been busy in the hot glass studio at Pratt (with a weekend in the cold shop for good measure). My latest class involves sand casting, which is basically pouring molten glass into a mold created in sand. It is rather fun, and some interesting items can be made. One thing that is a bit different here seems to be how you "finish" the piece, and while cold-working is an option, it still just leaves you with a piece of glass, with very little of the high polish people expect from glass. Some of the other options are painting with glass paint or burnishing with leaf. I am going to explore some of those, I think, and next week may include a few inclusions in the background areas, with the hope that they bring the man in the print more into focus. Only time will tell, since I can also play with colored glass at this point too, so who really knows what is up.