Questions, ruminations, and the occassional bit of silliness from this life and how it progresses.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Sitting and Pondering

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
A bit baffled
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Slow picture weekend
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Sunday, August 07, 2011
Beautiful day, didn't get much done
The other day I did hit Sonic Boom Records and did some old fashioned music shopping, and ended up with a Klezmer compilation, MGMT, Florence and the Machine, and Hey Marseilles, and today got around to uploading them to my iPod. I don't really know percentages and what not, but since I enjoy the record shop (CD shop) experience, I will continue to buy the old fashioned way, and hope the shop stays in business, as too many shops have closed due to Internet purchases. One of my pet peeves is people who love to go browse in bookstores, find something they want, then buy it at Amazon, or some online channel, other than the store they found it in. When the store vanishes, most likely complaints will ensue, and hopefully they will review their actions and see how they contributed to the store's demise, though I doubt it. I am becoming a bit cynical in my view of many people, who seem to want the convenience and benefits, but are unwilling to pay for them. (If I were to transfer that thought into the political realm, then this entry would devolve into a rant.)
Still Summer
I did learn something interesting, as I haven't really ridden my bike much, but in one of the stops I made, the bike riding owner of Hub and Bespoke advised me to get lights if I planned on riding much past dusk, as the police do ticket riders for that. That is nice to know information, and since I haven't ridden much, something I should definitely consider if I am still riding regularly come fall and winter. I have always been a fair weather rider, so I don't really know if I will need them, as if I am riding this fall and winter, I will probably want fenders too, to keep splash to a minimum, since I can't imagine there not being water on the roads.
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