It has definitely been an interesting year so far, more on the general news front rather than anything in specific. I really hope the US stops chasing Snowden quite so rabidly, as it is making the US look really pathetic, after he made the US look really stupid. Honestly, at this point, at least domestically, he brought about a bit of discussion on the government spying on US citizens, which regardless of what sort of greater protection doublespeak they wish to wrap it in, is still absolutely something that should be scrutinized in the press and in congress, much more than it has been, and much more than it likely will be. Internationally, Snowden said we were spying on China, as if that is an earth shattering revelation. I am not sure when common sense national security issues became top secret, but obviously with no brains in the security apparatus, such things have happened. Also internationally, and a bit embarrassing to boot, was the revelation that we are spying on our allies. That is the black eye on the world stage, and that is something that will likely require more than just a few platitudes to clear up. Hero or not, and I won't go there, I do believe some of the issues he brought up, like the possible abuse of powers granted by the Patriot Act, needed to be brought up, and needed to be discussed. I also think before the US uses any political capital, like that issues with the Ecuadorian presidential jet, it should really review what has been in the press, and decide if what was revealed was really top secret, or if it was honestly just something everyone knew, but disclosure of it in the press just made it an issue that could not be brushed aside. I have heard for years about some government agency or another culling email and such, but had never much thought about it, or even if it was more than just the proverbial internet myth, so now we know it isn't a myth, but a rumor confirmed-- hardly top secret stuff there, but then the US government has a tendency to over-react, just look at the TSA.
The is enough for this morning. Waiting for Skyrim to update while drinking my coffee is sort of what led me here today, so I won't promise another update anytime soon, though such things do cross my mind periodically.