Monday, March 10, 2008

If memory serves...

So it has been a month.  Apologies to any regular readers.  Love & Loss is the name of the sculpture whose image is on the February post.  The time change has confounded me, and taken me by surprise.   The timing of the time change is what seems to be causing problems, being earlier than to what I am accustomed.  Republicans & time change--seems an odd combination, but I guess it was one of the big successes of Indiana's Republican governor, just like it is probably the only neutral (rather than awful) thing President Bush will be known for.  From what I read in The New York Times (or maybe The Seattle Times), it does actually cost Hoosiers more now than before. (No link because I am lazy.)

Current timeline is to move out of Seattle this summer--end of August is the tale, while end of June the earliest, unless something great happens to speed it up, or delay it.

1 comment:

Davo said...

keep me in the loop regarding Vermont. or other prospects.