Thursday, January 11, 2018

Happy New Year?

I guess tomorrow's meals will be made from the chicken in the crock pot.  Chicken, potatoes, onions, and garlic, with a bit of spices, so it should be tasty.  (If the Heinz Carolina BBQ sauce negatively impacts it, I will let you know.)

The guys I work with have been giving one of my colleagues a difficult time because of his fashion choices.  It seems he wore a onesie/jumpsuit (though more the pajama sort) during the holiday break, as I sit here and watch the "Concert for New York" I notice the John Cougar Mellencamp is wearing a jumpsuit.  Fifteen years later and it is finally making a fashion inroad.

Politically this year has been a mess.  I ordered, then cancelled a week later, the book "Fire and Fury" because while lining Jeff Bezos' pockets for no reason than to irritate Trump seemed like a bit of fun, when there was still no delivery date after the book was released early, I decided that I would just check tomorrow if the local place had it, as I currently have the Amazon Prime thing going, so if they don't I can always place the order again.

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