Thursday, February 11, 2021

Last Summer (2013 film)

Sometimes I think I am acquiring films faster than I can watch them, so I figure that maybe I could share some of my thoughts on them.  

First up is Last Summer, which is a lovely bit of gay themed cinema from 2013, directed by Mark Theideman. The plot, such as it is, is very thin, but as a meditation on young love and that summer between high school and college, when you both want to spend all your time with your partner, don't want to think about leaving, but know at some point one of you will be going to college. Movies tend to move at their own pace, and this was not a quick paced movie, though I think the languorous speed was as much to echo the Arkansas summer when this was taking place, as well as that thought amongst those of a certain age, that you have all the time in the world.

I would recommend it if you are willing to devote the time and not expecting an action flick or a melodrama. The actors do a good job, and they look like they could be teenagers, which is always a nice change. 

I was going to add more, but it began to sound a bit pretentious, and that really was not my purpose. Enjoy the movie if you are looking to see something a bit on the gay-themed art house side of things.

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