The image quality is pretty bad, so my apologies ahead of time. I am trying to work on some sort of small scale picture combining various impressions of Romania, including the view from the Hotel Prahova where we were whisked for our first week or so of training/acclimation. Some things in this gouache I like, while I am not sure the whole thing works as well as I would like. (The pencil lines which can barely be perceived indicate the size of canvas I am working with, which is tiny, only 5"x7".) I like the way the church dome fits into the sky, but don't care much for the way the factory works compositionally, though it is the balance to the church. With the exception of the trees, the lower portion of the picture is dull and pretty boring. (I have to start putting my fingers in the right place for typing, as I am tired of constant correction.) Considering the way this picture is being done, perhaps I only need to adjust some colors.
I really should have something brilliant and witty to add, but frankly, it hasn't been one of those summers (or late springs, if you must). I have read some 20th century art history and artist biographies, but nothing so stellar I feel it must be shared. My car died a few weeks ago, and there is still the issue of getting it fixed, which involves me going over to my boss' one Saturday and displaying my mechanical ineptitude. Otherwise, there is nothing aside from work going on.
I like the idea of using a small size for this as a series, which works along with the compression you're putting into the composition. Might the heavy underscore that is the ground be a factor in your verdict on the bottom part of the piece? Everything else on the page moves the eye up, but the intensity of that line seems actually to shorten the rest of the structures in the work.
I don't really know if that line has anything to do with things or not. I did change the color of the lower part of the church, which altered things.
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