Sunday, February 03, 2008

One Month Down

Well, I managed to not even get a month of daily postings this year, though the blog lasted better than any fitness/diet program I thought about starting. The disconcerting thing about the way things are going is that for me, work is generally boring, frequently filled with exasperating questions (with a dearth of variety), and something that keeps me occupied during the week, when I could be doing something else, like the fitness/diet program I didn't start.

Today though, after spending yesterday afternoon with a friend, I can only say that while things are staid and dull for me, it is certainly better than the drama other's have to live through. So, if I begin to sound a bit down on things, I need to remind myself of what it could be, and while it won't make things better, it will at least make me realize how lucky I am sometimes.


Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you. What was the title of that piece we took pix of and that you have as a pic for this blogpost?

Anonymous said...

by the way, what are your favorite pieces from the poetry volume of the Magnetic issue of McSweeneys? I have that as one of my texts for my workshop class....