After seeing a blurb on the vegan who shot the video at the slaughterhouse, it occurred to me, that as long as profit is the primary motive for business, then abuses will occur, because it is cheaper this quarter to do it that way. As the world speeds up and focus close-up rather than wide angle, these things will multiply, and like child labor, once we wipe them from our shores, they will be in other places, still, where they always were, but where we didn't see them.
On a brighter note, at the post office today they had more employees than ever manning the counter. They even had a cashier at the parcel pick-up window processing drop-offs and stamp purchases. It must be cheaper than the machine they took out, or else they aren't losing as much money as they claim and don't need the price increase.
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Briz the budding Socialist?
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