I am adding a few more pictures from yesterday's parade, which was not totally free of politics, though it did seem very free of politicians running for election. I don't know all the ground rules for it, but one is that combustion engines aren't allowed to propel the floats, which no doubt limits the number of entries, and I can't imagine a politician who would feel comfortable in a parade whose normal lead-off contingent is nude bicyclists and features some rather overt criticisms of the current government. Regardless of the politics, the parade is a good time, and if you are going to be offended by them, you know in advance perhaps you shouldn't go.

The festival is still going on today, though I don't know if I will make it down there again, as nothing really caught my attention in the vendor area. The sky is also gray, which doesn't really entice me to head outdoors for much of anything.
I should come up with something constructive to do today, but the only real pressing thing is laundry (no pun intended, especially as I don't iron). I could do a bit of reading, but I am gradually working through "Gielgud's Letters" and finding it makes great meal-time reading because the brief nature of the letters makes finding a stopping point very easy. While it shouldn't surprise me, hearing Olivier referred to as Larry gives me a giggle.
As I mentioned in the title, I still haven't eaten, so I will leave this here and find something to stop my stomach's growling.

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