Well, May 1st is here, and while I have been lousy at updating this the last couple of months, and I don't expect to resume regular posts any time soon, it would be nice if I can keep this going, however irregularly, for some time further, as I do enjoy writing about works in progress and such. Todays pictures are of two pieces of cast glass that I had pressed a block print into the sand as my casting mold. The image, while technically the same, has taken a different aspect, more desiccated from the imagined abuses the gent has piled on himself, or as I like to think, this is what happens when too much absinthe, or abuse of any substance, has been taken for too long. I chose absinthe because the original image was from Modigliani. (See post from 20 February for the block printed image.) What I do know with these glass "blanks" is up to me, as I have been told by the instructor that much of cast glass work ends up as part of something, rather that itself as a unit. Not knowing this beforehand, I have made a lot of stuff that may or may not work well solo, and these will probably end up a series, painted and finished differently from each other, each exploring some aspect, whether it be color, surface finish, or something else that I find interesting at the time I do that work. I did get some transparent glass paints that crafting sorts use to do imitation stained glass, so I am sure a few of these will fall prey to that.
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