Not that anyone really wants to hear anything on politics, but there is something about Romney that is bothering me, so I figure it may be worth my while to spell it out. He has been claiming that he hasn't had any direct input into activities at Bain Capital since 1999 -- the precise month, I don't recall, but it isn't relevant to my purposes in this post. Whether he was directly responsible for any activity there or not, since he founded the organization, he also established the culture of that corporation, and by that I mean a set of acceptable business practices and a standard operating procedure. Claiming that he didn't sign off directly on any off-shoring of jobs formerly done in the United States after 1999, doesn't relieve him of the responsibility that he established a corporate culture at Bain Capital where such activities are considered perfectly acceptable, and perhaps even encouraged if they can be proven to be profitable. Currently there is a big hubbub in Illinois over closing down a profitable business, moving it to China, and then making even more money on it. So the culture at Bain isn't just to move failing businesses to China, but ones that are succeeding as well. Amid a poor economy, moving jobs that are already yielding profits in order to make even more money is pretty heartless, and perhaps it is why I really don't care for Ayn Rand's philosophy, and why I don't mind a bit of regulation, since I won't trust business to do what is best for anyone but the current CEO. This sort of decision isn't one you can regulate, but I think it reflects poorly on the corporate culture established by Mitt Romney, and maybe even gives a clue as to what sort of culture he would plan to install in the executive branch during his administration.
If the man created a company that doesn't look at the human costs of its business decisions, then how can anyone expect him to be a successful president when it doesn't appear that he cares about the human costs of decisions placed before him, whether the people who form the ranks of the military, those who have retired, or those on welfare.
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