Pablo Neruda isn't the only poet I read, but I guess with so much of his stuff around, I find that I read it frequently, so find all sorts of things to mention.
“That time was like never, and like always.
So we go there, where nothing is waiting;
we find everything waiting there.”
Excerpt From: Pablo Neruda. “The Poetry of Pablo Neruda.”
While I know romance novels are generally not well written, there are many that are, or if they are not, at least they contain something that will send you somewhere else looking for what they mentioned. R. Cooper's "A Boy and His Dragon" mentions Neruda's love poetry, and while it isn't the reason I discovered Neruda, I rather like that "low" genre fiction can with reference poetry and if done well, it doesn't seem to be striving. Oddly, though I don't think this poem was referenced in the book, it does fill in a good deal of the book. When you go looking for nothing, you get everything, which is one way to look at love. I think every blind date is gone into with low expectations, so if something is found, and if that something is everything, then there you have it. I like this little fragment from Morning. Sonnet IV, 100 Love Sonnets, as it says something about more than love.
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