It is interesting to note that one of the candidates for U.S. Secretary of State under Donald Trump has been convicted of the same crimes he attributed to Secretary Clinton. How is it that while he declaimed over and over about her handling of classified materials, he is actually considering nominating someone guilty of mishandling the same types of materials. I am going to guess that he really has no problems with the issue, and that it was just a good campaign tool. If you need any proof of Romney's assertion that Trump is a fraud and a con-man, then look no further.
Speaking of Romney, and what will no doubt become an infamous photo of his dinner with Trump, I hope any consideration of why even meeting Trump was on the drawing board is for the same reason after her hard campaign against Obama, Hillary Clinton accepted the position, one reason being because it was for the good of the republic. I could be wrong, but I don't recall Clinton issuing any sort of apology over what was said during the campaign, and I truthfully hope that Romney is not required to make an apology prior to accepting a nomination (if it comes down to it). Romney spoke the truth, and it is noble to put aside differences for the good of the republic, but he should not be asked to back down from those comments. If he does chose to do so, then I hope working for Trump doesn't eat away at his self-esteem, having taken back his words, when Trump invariably tosses him under the bus, there won't be anything left. He is in a difficult position, but not an unheard of position, but his first priority should be to his emotional self, and if Trump chooses to force an apology prior to nominating him, then I truly hope he tells Trump to get lost. Colin Powell is a good man who was tossed under the bus by the administration he served (and he didn't even need to eat crow first), but it still cost him greatly. I would hate to see this recent history repeat itself on another, especially one so out-spoken in his own party about the qualities of the President-elect.
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