Of course these two have nothing to do with each other, except that they occurred on the same day. Comey seems to have done what was expected, which was raise all sorts of questions about Trump, while the Brits confounded everyone by seemingly depriving the Tories of the majority required to rule without a coalition. (I said seemingly because not all the results are in just yet.) If our constitution allowed for snap elections, I am sure someone could sweet-talk Trump into having one. Nothing like telling him that it will erase doubts about Russian meddling and such, play to his vanity and his sense that he needs to "win" without any doubts.
The one big surprise for today, from the Trump camp, was what appears to be a lack of Twittering during the testimony. From the sound of it, his team did manage to get him off Twitter long enough to meet with some Christians (Faith and Freedom Coalition).
And the results are in!! Pretty embarrassing for Theresa May. They have a hung parliament. Like you, I wish we could call a snap election - although I'm pretty sure that even Trump wouldn't be stupid enough to do that. His poll numbers suggest that he would NOT prevail.
He managed to stay away from tweeting until early this morning. One report says that if he had waited three more minutes, he would have beaten his previous time of going without tweeting. So very many of ALL of his problems are self inflicted. I fail to understand how he can fail to see how much damage he does to himself.
One of the most interesting things to come out of the Comey hearings yesterday is that Trump had NO interest in asking how we could prevent the Russians from interfering in the future, or even how deep the interference ran during the 2016 election. Trump cares only about himself and the adulation from his core supporters. Zero interest in "jobs,jobs,jobs", great healthcare that is cheaper than the ACA and covers everyone, and tax cuts for the middle class.
The way he behaved in Europe was embarrassing - cozying up to the Saudi's, while being rude and dismissive to our NATO allies. I was appalled to discover that Trump's security team had put affirmation of Article 5 in his speech only to discover as Trump delivered the speech that he had deliberately removed it.
The best defense his surrogates seem to be able to offer up these days is that we can't expect him to act Presidential since he's new to the job and has no interest in learning about the limits or responsibilities of the office. If Trump had a contestant on The Apprentice that showed this level of incompetence, I'll bet he'd fire him (or her) after the first round.
They would only get fired if they didn't stroke his ego.
Not sure about that, Jeff. Chris Christie, Newt Gingrich, Jeff Sessions, and Rudy Giuliani stroked his ego, and all (except Jeff Sessions) have been sidelined - with Sessions incurring Trump's wrath for recusing himself in the Russia investigation. Loyalty in the Trump universe only flows one way.
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