Saturday, June 24, 2006

First Saturday

It was my first full week in the new place, and if I had a camera I could post pictures of the boxes in the living room, full of books, for which I lack shelving. I am trying to refrain from the bricks and boards model of shelving, and perhaps things will stay boxed until I can find appropriate things to put them on. I also have to set up my stereo still, having spent the last week relying on my cd collection which has been copied into my computer, and onto my ipod, and a portable cd player.

Actually, I had almost had a crisis earlier this week when I discovered the power adapter for the computer speakers had been left at my previous address. I still haven't managed to go get it, but I have managed to find a replacement adapter amongst all the stuff, perhaps from a previous set of computer speakers.

The weather was gorgeous today and I managed to spend much of the day outside helping the Peace Corps man their table at Seattle Pride. It was nice to be outside, though unfortunately I didn't see anyone I knew.

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