Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Subscription Streaming Services (Netflix & Amazon Prime)

My subscriptions to both Netflix and Amazon Prime have been cancelled.  I discovered I wasn't watching enough of either to justify keeping them, as I seem to have migrated to classic movies that I collect on iTunes at $5.00 each or have purchased on DVD/BluRay, which can be cheaper than purchasing them digitally.  This is not to say that those services, as well as Hulu, don't offer something worth watching, but rather I only have so many hours that I choose to spend viewing television, and even if I buy nothing else, I have enough to get me through the next several months, and with summer approaching, there will be even less need for at home entertainment.  I am no doubt an outlier, because I have been fine with whatever the digital antenna can pick up locally, not having cable, so not having cable I never felt the urge to watch what I a service for which I was paying. Netflix and to a lesser extent Amazon Prime (which I could get some benefit from due to reduced shipping costs) compelled me to spend some time searching through their offerings to justify the money spent, because I am trying to avoid too many bought and forgot subscriptions.

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