Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Tuesday, a twelfth

Yes, a very Hello Kitty sort of Pez dispenser it is, and it was a gift.  I am not sure the Kelly's Heroes is the best sort of movie to watch while trying to compose a blog entry, but everyone likes to brag about their multi-tasking abilities.  It has been a laundry and housework sort of day, though since my oven decided to stop working properly, I opted for leftover chili, from the freezer to the crock pot.  Part of the reason for the puttering around the apartment is that I am waiting for a package of some sort to arrive, as it seems I was sleeping yesterday when they attempted delivery.  It was a driver from Amazon (not UPS or FedEx), so I can only hope they actually buzzed my apartment, even if I didn't hear it.  I know of other delivery attempts they have claimed to make when I was at home and awake, and I know there was no door buzzer request, so the driver was just being lazy.

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