Yesterday, while I woke up late because I spent far too much time drinking an excellent Wend Fest Seasonal from Pacific Maritime (sort of like an Oktoberfest), I did manage to get out and run at least one of my planned errands to a Half-Price Books, where I managed to get a single volume Blake, "The Complete Illuminated Books" and while it isn't so splendid as the reprint volumes focused on the individual works, it does a marvelous job of bringing back the visual to Blake that is missed when only the words are present. Definitely with him, the visual is as important as the written. Also, I found some Ted Hughes and a volume of Camus in hardcover which I didn't have, so I considered it a successful shopping venture. The fact that I found some flannel sheets at a different store, meaning I will be comfy and toasty in bed this winter, added to the days joys.
This morning has been coffee and reading and doing a bit here and there around the apartment, though I haven't been near as diligent about it as I should have been, at least some stuff is getting done. I tried calling a few people to catch up, but no one was home, or answering their phone, which is much the same thing.
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