After reading this article I had this idea, whether it is brilliant or not I am sure is a matter of opinion. Here goes, before leaving for the airport, aside from your baggy of goodies, prepare an addressed envelope (no stamp) which can hold the personal care products, and a form for TSA to sign itemizing the contents of the baggy, and that if they do not arrive at the address indicated within the normal span of time for the USPS to deliver mail, then you, the victim, can deduct said costs from your taxes. The TSA is a government agency, and the government, if one takes the laws of eminent domain as an example, is required to fairly compensate citizens for property "taken" for the public good. What better compensation than reducing the amount of taxes a citizen is required to pay by the amount the which the confiscated goods cost(pro-rated for amount used of course), if the government chooses not to return them to you. The government should assume the cost of postage because the government is denying you the right to deliver the goods to the assigned address yourself, with funds already spent.
Of course, this entire proposal is likely not legal (but I would guess there is no law specifically prohibiting it either), but it would make an interesting act of civil disobedience.
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