One thing that I found serendipitously while at the art supply store this morning buying the paper palette, is what my brushes are resting on. In the section for Chinese calligraphy there were these ceramic brush holders, and I figured if they are good enough for calligraphy, then they are certainly good enough of painting, as I hadn't figured out what to do with all the brushes as I switched colors, but didn't want to clean the brush in case I went back to that color. It was quite handy and prevented a potential disaster.
While I prevented one potential disaster, I have another on my hands, which is where do I put an oil painting to dry. I untaped it from the board so I could touch up the corners, but oil paint doesn't dry overnight, so I have to find a place for this thing in the meantime. Currently it is taking up counter space, but tonight's dinner was a chicken burrito from the new Mexican food stand around the corner, so it isn't likely to pose a problem until I need the kitchen for something other than coffee.
Here is the finished (at least for now) product:
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