It is really only now clearing up, at 6:40 p.m., and the rest of the day has been overcast with a bit of stuttering rain. In celebration of such a lousy day for being outside, I did some doodling with gouache. I tend to doodle, normally just sort of abstract stuff with a ball point at work, starting with shapes and connecting and filling them in and all sorts of stuff. I don't know if I have any at home, but I will try to bring something home and scan it, so my explanation isn't quite so odd. The result of my doodling with gouache, which I went out and bought today as a cheaper and less messy way to play with color than trying to break out the oils in an apartment with off-white carpet, is here:
Happy Holy Weekend!
1 comment:
It's nice to hear that sometimes paintings are like poems, where one puts stuff down and then looks later to see what on earth it might be indicating. Further reason for ekphrasis, anyone?
Wheelchair Word Verification Man says: KWEOA: Kant Wouldn't Eat Orange Apples.
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