Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Silence = Death redux

Yesterday I was reading my Twitter feed, and author TJ Klune (who write MM romance) had mentioned that one of his readers had engaged him in conversation, mentioning that the reader was disappointed that TJ was anti-Trump.  TJ, in his comment on Twitter, said that he couldn't remain silent.  I replied to TJ some support, but then also added this slogan from ACT-UP, because I think it has gained a renewed use in the current political discourse.  If those of us who don't believe in Trump's lies don't mention it, and mention it frequently, then the death we will witness is that of our democracy.  The founding father's never said it would be easy, and Trump is the biggest bump in the road many of us have ever experienced.  I came of age in the 80's, when silence=death meant doing nothing in regards to AIDS research (and equal rights), and every decade that goes by I am still surprised I am around, not because I practice any dangerous sex acts, but because when I was sixteen, I really didn't think I would make thirty, and some I know, didn't.  While I think Trump really only cares about same sex marriage in regards to how it hits his company's bottom line, he knows his supporters are against it, so I think there is a good chance he will do what he can to make those voters happy, again, because he really doesn't care.  If you are looking for the epitome of if you don't support gay marriage, then don't have one, I think you are looking at Trump, but I also think he doesn't really care enough to make sure protections remain in place for those who do wish to be married.  Apathy in regards to everything but business is a good description of him.  I also think if people don't keep reminding everyone of the truth, then Trump, with his endless repetition of lies, will distort that truth (he lost the popular vote!) and eventually believe his distorted view.  I think there is an old phrase about something being repeated often enough and people begin believing it sort of thing.

I think everyone needs to remember and continue posting reminders and contradicting whatever lies (fake news) Trump is spreading (sad!), because if we don't we will allow the country to be brainwashed into whatever psycho realm it is that Trump inhabits, and that is not something the world needs now.

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