Tuesday, June 20, 2017

For this I had to look up "Rogers Group"

John Rogers was an American sculptor of the 19th century who created mass produced sculptures, normally featuring a small number of people in an everyday setting (for the time).

Here is "A Rogers Group" by Robert Frost:

A Rogers Group

How young and unassuming
They waited in the street,
With babies in their arms
And baggage at their fee.

A trolley car they hailed
Went by with clanging gong
Before they guessed the corner
They waited on was wrong.

And no one told them so
By way of traveler's aid,
No one was so far touched
By the Rogers Group they made.

This is one of those I liked, and I don't know if I would be one walking by or giving them advice.  I think it would depend on knowing more.  I have told a few drivers after they have parked in a no parking zone, that they should move their car, pointing the sign out to them, but I am less inclined to put my nose in people's business on the street without them asking first, as I will happily try and give directions if asked.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was surprised to see that this was a Robert Frost poem - not his usual New England themed style, and I was surprised it rhymed! I liked it too, Jeff. I saw this posted on the forum but decided to comment here rather than there. I think I would have helped them if I saw them trying to hail a trolley car and realized they were on the wrong corner. If they were just standing there - maybe I would have walked by as well.