Monday, May 13, 2019

Unknown Subject (both topic and subject of photograph)

While I am not sure who the subject of the photo is, the photographer is Robert Gant of New Zealand.  This is one of those photos that showed up on my Tumblr, and I decided to save it.  My Tumblr is normally just postings of men in figurative art, most frequently painting and drawing, so this isn't something that would go there, though I might have re-blogged it there as well.

This is one of those days, and while I don't have all that much to say, and I know there is nothing profound to be found here today, nor anything remotely philosophical, I sort of feel the need to write, create, do something. Earlier was laundry, now is who knows, though I am hoping to fill this sidebar with words, so it balances nicely.

We have been having nice late afternoons, but chilly nights and mornings, so since I am a bit of an idiot and have been leaving windows open at night, my apartment is nice and chilly when I wake up, giving me all the motivation I need to stay under the warm blankets and avoid the day.

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