Sunday, August 07, 2011

Still Summer

Perhaps it will be more than a tease this year, as the gorgeous weather is continuing once the morning clouds get burned from the sky. I took my bike out yesterday to Gas Works Park and got this photo of Seattle from there. I also managed not to get a sunburn, though my arms definitely got a bit of color. Since I was doing that, I didn't really work on any sort of art, or actually think much about it. The day was pretty and I was enjoying the moment, taking care to enjoy myself, and not worry too much about else. Unfortunately, that makes for a dull blog post, but I wanted to add something, before the time between posts appeared to be more benign neglect on my side.

I did learn something interesting, as I haven't really ridden my bike much, but in one of the stops I made, the bike riding owner of Hub and Bespoke advised me to get lights if I planned on riding much past dusk, as the police do ticket riders for that. That is nice to know information, and since I haven't ridden much, something I should definitely consider if I am still riding regularly come fall and winter. I have always been a fair weather rider, so I don't really know if I will need them, as if I am riding this fall and winter, I will probably want fenders too, to keep splash to a minimum, since I can't imagine there not being water on the roads.

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