No easier than day 1, though I have to say I have gone through the two itty bitty teeny weeny trial size Maker's Mark bottles I bought during Dave's visit in case he decided he needed a bourbon Perfect Manhattan. While I enjoyed my garnish-less drink last night and tonight, I haven't decided yet on whether to buy a bottle of bourbon for that sole purpose. The delay on this decision is not doubt because decreasing my alcohol consumption was a goal of sorts this year, though more focused on beer, since my shape is reflecting the wide variety of good beers available locally. There is a name for the scotch variant, but I can't think of it right now.
With the way everything is going, all I can hope is that things at work pick up soon. I don't much care for the notion of creating work and looking busy, but if more stuff isn't late, I will be forced to such measures. Actually, it is nice that I am not constantly busy, but with too little, it throws me in that other awkward direction, of trying to look busy, and that is utter misery, as it means I am constantly looking over the same data and trying to find new things in it to follow-up on. Work is like that, they hire you to do something (get things to be on-time), and when you are done, something new has to be found, and they haven't quite found that something new, though I fear it will be to bring everything into some sort of order, and that is a tall order, as it involves keeping track of 4-5 buyers' purchase orders. If it comes to that, I think it will become an issue of too much for one person, so let's hope it doesn't.
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