Though calling her Miss America may be a bit much. I apologize in advance for not balancing all the colors and whatnot, but I was rushing through it, before I got sidetracked on a thousand other things. Painting is not on tonight's agenda, though I am hoping to read some, which I haven't managed a few days because of one thing or another, last night it was a phone call and a plan to paint that I carried through with. What will happen with tonight's free time is still up in the air, but there are books to read, paintings to think about, and various other hopelessly pretentious garbage I can rummage through so I will sound erudite and active in my next post. Speaking of my next post, I do plan on doing one tomorrow. I may have actually burst through the wall of tedium, and moved into the round room of enjoyment, from which I will eventually flee due to lack of corners in which to hide. That is the way things go. Tedium at work is the name of the game, and today it involved doing things others were already doing, though I did find one thing that needed to be done that no one was working on... so I delegated, then moved on. Business is a scream, so it would be if I could have a sense of humor about it while I am there.
The progression is because someone asked for it. I think in this case it really shows how little was lost in the various transformative stages, but how much the painting improved. Personally, I am glad there is only this record of the early stages, as there really isn't a need for more (or even these). My guess is that if I actually work on something a bit more complicated, then maybe I will hope to go back to an earlier version, and of course you can't undo like you can in photoshop, so it will become time to recreate, or create some new variation, that maybe will work better.
I like it! Bottom left is mt fave...
thanks. the bottom right is the finished one, though the left had some nice things going, though the pic has a lot of glare.
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