Originally, I had intended to do something today, but it turned out that this morning I spent time editing pictures from the trip to China I took three years ago, and, this afternoon, when I was about to go out shopping for paint supplies, it started raining, so I decided a nap was in order. Naps always seem to be in order on Sunday afternoons, but moreso today because I slept poorly last night. There was a short time I was sleeping well, but it seems far in the past, so now it is just trying to minimize the effects of it now. Grey skies and blowing rain do make for great napping weather though, and if I had not honestly tried to be out in the mess earlier, perhaps I would be regretting my nap-making more, but I gave up the enterprise while waiting for the bus.
With all that I have I can do, there is not much excuse to be doing nothing, and with it being not quite 3 o'clock maybe I will still get something done, leaving me time during the week to get my art supplies. I do think my weeknights are better times to go out looking for things, since I can do the running after work and before I get home, unless the bus involves riding down Market Street, then I can come home first.
With no promises from me that I can manage to do this daily, or almost so, for a year, I am beginning to wonder what sort of arc it would take, and what sort of perceptions of me it would give people. In my wrestling for resolutions, perhaps there is one, and it is one I may be able to do, though past performance raises doubts. Lazy Sundays or not, let's hope I can spare a few minutes regularly to try and update this regularly this year. No rules as to what constitutes a long break, nor any as to what I need to write, but an everyday sort of something. Life moves and flows with patterns that not everyone sees, and which I am not likely to see either, but that may make this more interesting as time goes on. How much to reveal and how much I keep to myself are, of course, the questions I get to handle regularly.
One more thing which may be totally off topic, but I had the utter surprise earlier this week when one a colleague of mine commented that it was leap year, to hear that she had no idea whatsoever that it was also an election year. My election year comment came on the heels of hers about the leap year, and it wrought a total stunned sort of response which sort of made me cringe, especially as she went on to acknowledge that she pays no attention to that sort of thing. I can only hope she doesn't vote, but "informed electorate" she is not.
Time for tea now, though just a mug of it, not the small meal sort.
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