What a day of nothing. I did receive an enjoyable letter from Dave today, but work was on the dull side. I read a bit more Camus. As I approach the last 50 pages of the book, I wonder just what I will read next. Actually, evening reading works a bit like this, before dinner, I read Camus, during dinner it has been Gielgud, and after dinner, generally back to Camus if I read a book, or else mindless surfing of the web learning what is going on in the world via various online newspapers from around the world. Then there is the time I spend typing this, though perhaps I should take some time to write this before typing this, as opposed to typing as I write. The last few days I have been unhappy with the output. There can be a way to make this interesting, but I wonder if I have found it. Maybe I am just waiting for my Hillary moment, except that he died today, and that is a moment I am not looking forward to just yet, though a cement truck might find me on the way to work tomorrow.
Dave made an interesting resolution, which was to get a life, though in reality, as he explains in his letter, the resolution was to step out of his comfort zone on a regular basis. I am hoping his second resolution was to stop drinking Bud Light, but as he lives in Indiana, if he skips the Bud Light, Lite from Miller is the alternative, and that is no improvement at all. Honestly though, I think his resolution about getting out of his comfort zone on a regular basis is great, and I look forward to hearing how he does it.
In reading Camus, I did come across a nice YouTube debate question: "Do you think our society should legitimize murder?" This is his question for those advocating revolution, though it is useful now as well, even without revolution on the horizon. (Of course, the question of what is "murder" needs to be answered first.) Life as we know it shall continue, and none of the politicians running will make a difference. What needs to happen is a bit of reclamation of the rights of man. Everything is about to move to a stricter voter requirements (thank you Indiana, for enacting nasty strict legislation so you could remain red, while the rest of the country sees it), and we have already lost so much in the name of the "War on Terror" that I don't want to dwell there, but I did find it humorous that the FBI can't pay their phone bills so they keep losing their wiretaps.
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