Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sunday Morning Laundry

With all my quarters piled so neatly on the chest of drawers, and dark laundry scattered here and there, I decided to do a bit of laundry this overcast morning, hoping it will clear up a little later. Not that I have ideas or plans for later, but a nicer day wouldn't really be that bad after all the unseasonably cold, icy, and snowy weather of the past couple of weeks. I say unseasonably because from what I have been told, it really isn't that common, and winter, while rainy and chilly, isn't supposed to be icy in the city, though it is the norm in the 'burbs.

For now, I guess I will get back to puttering about the house while waiting for the laundry to dry. The morning has been a mild cleaning sort of morning, but not a get the vacuum out cleaning sort of morning, for those that value the differentiation.

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