Nothing like a Monday evening composed of laundry (Elvis was just playing when I typed the headline). Much like the temporal nature of the Elvis song, laundry will be done in an hour or so as well, making the headline doubly dubious. Today was one of those Mondays that didn't ever seem to get going. I really didn't want to get out of bed, and work seemed sort of pointless. I did have a meeting about what they wanted to ship by month end, and of course they had to cover all sorts of things that weren't really in my area, though the meeting was supposed to be specifically about my area. I do find much of what they do terribly silly, though that may not be the best word (trivial comes to mind, but that is probably even more of an opinion). Truthfully, I know why the meetings happen, and I know why they try to ship a certain number of dollars during a given month. Aside from guaranteeing some jobs, I am sure some bonuses are also affected. The only thing that bothers me is the goal to constantly exceed the target, because by constantly exceeding it, a higher bar is created for the following year, if not the following month. The other thing about constantly topping it is that frequently there is the pull in from the next month to make this months numbers (or beat them). At some point there is no more pulling you can do, and the pulling you have done, has impacted the ability to make numbers.
I should wrap this up now, as I have someone messaging me, and that means I will have a great deal of trouble keeping thoughts flowing semi-coherently.
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