Today has been a decent sort of day. I managed to get gifts wrapped, though they aren't sen yet. I did find out I have a few more hours tonight as well as all day tomorrow to get them in the mail. It looks as though UPS 3 day is my shipping method of choice this year, and to think I almost managed to get everything out in time to make UPS Ground viable.
Today actually consisted of wrapping things, cleaning up around the house while procrastinating against wrapping gifts, and then going out to an early dinner to procrastinate against hauling everything out the door to ship it. It is drizzling right now, which is a better excuse against taking things out of doors than any other I can think of pertaining to things around the apartment. House or apartment? Is there actually a correct word, or are they interchangeable unless specifically talking about something one owns? I use them rather interchangeably, trying to make sure I differentiate when it is important. Since I don't own a freestanding dwelling, I really don't have a house, but since I do live someplace, i can use house in that sense, or can I? The vagaries of the English language are such that one could ponder such things for ages, and, in this country, it would vary depending on region what I could and couldn't say, so I just won't worry about it, preferring to do what I want to say, rather than puttering and worrying too much about the greater implications of my comments--I am not a world leader, and no amount of hubris and ego will make me so.
I wish there was a bit more going on right now, but I really needed to post before I was sidetracked and the day escaped my clutches.
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