Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Mid-week already

If ever there was a week moving fast, so far it has been this one, but I am sure that has to do with me not working Monday. I may also have to do with the inexorable speed the end of the year seems to bring with it. Nothing seems in its own time, though some things are taking their own time. I am hoping the last gift I need for a niece shows up tomorrow, especially since I spent that extra bit to get it here, so I could then ship it at a normal rate across country. is taking forever to log me in. I wonder if I should cancel and try again. Ok, I am trying the cancel and login again thing, and it seemed to work. Now I am in, and even have a dopey holiday hat on. I guess all that is left is for people to make snide comments about it, but it is the holiday season, so I should be given a pass, as long as it is off my profile by sometime in early January, unlike my tree last year, which I think was out until sometime in February (though I may have taken it down by January 31st, but if I did, I didn't beat that date by many days).

The last few days I have been bothering people on chat, so I will see if anyone actually says anything to me. I find it sort of fun, though yesterday I cleaned out a bunch of contacts that I don't think I ever spoke with past the initial day or two that they were added. It isn't that I don't want to talk with them, but at this point, I don't even remember who most of them are. It is, in my opinion, much the same plague that hits friends in MySpace or Tribe, that sort of instance where you can't possibly know all 900,000 people listed in your friends list. I don't see any advantage to a long list of people you barely know calling themselves your friends, while the people you actually know are lost in the mess of names. This is probably just a sign of age or else poor organization, but I wouldn't really want a tab titled, "who are these people?" I am trying not to be too closed-minded, but too many people is just that, and if you don't know them, then they aren't really your network, but just a collection of web-sites you have visited.

Well, it is time to throw something in the oven for dinner and drink some more "Delirium Noel."

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