for a given month award this year, goes to December. It wasn't that I was really having a contest, but it is just something I noticed today. The desperate urgency to continue finding words to fill these spaces, as not filling one, leads to another, and so forth (examples are a-plenty this year). Today was back to work, and a rather bizarre day it was, as I never quite felt like it was time to be there. Perhaps it is that holiday spirit that leaks into everything this time of year, making you wish that other things could be done than work, like sitting at home thinking you should be putting up the tree while watching some silly holiday rerun on the television, and this year, rerun is the operative word. Oh, if anyone happens to come across "Jul Igen (remix)" by Monrad og Rislund, I would recommend it. I don't currently have an online account for sharing music, nor do I know how to embed it here, so making do with the title and artist will have to do. Other than meaning "Christmas Again," I can't say what the song is about, and it could be about axe murderers, but I like to think not, as that would not be very characteristic of a Scandanavian Christmas Carol. Other than that, I don't have much to say today. Work was just that, I came home, napped, woke up, messed around on Itunes, had dinner, and am currently enjoying a Leffe Blond while typing. I should no doubt be doing a dozen other things, but they don't seem to have priority right now. Priority right now is typing this, something of utter profound importance. I also have to admit, and maybe I mentioned it yesterday, but Tom Waits version of "Silent Night" is really cool. It has come on the stereo again, and I am enjoying it again. My family would really dislike my holiday music selection--not the songs as much as the artists singing the songs. But most families tend to be traditional in this light, so I shouldn't expect mine to be any different (and they aren't).
Too many words--though Tolstoy has me beat, both in content and length. One year of my life still takes up less space in paper than the entirety of "War and Peace." That really is pathetic, though maybe it isn't. Would a War-and-Peace-length blog really be all that interesting. We do enough navel gazing in this century as it is, and I don't see a reason to add that much more. Truthfully, I wonder how focused on my navel this blog really is, and all I can conclude is that I hope it isn't that focused because I don't find navel gazing that fascinating a past-time, though like many, it happens, and when it does, it throws me into some sort of depression because of all the things I haven't done. If that isn't a good reason to avoid it, I don't know what is. Maybe this whole blog is a treading water exercise to keep me from navel gazing, though more likely it is time passing exercise that will prevent me from going to the gym, or maybe it is both. The variations are many, and since I am an excellent procrastinator, I don't think I need to find more excuses for it than already show up, nor do I need to commit any more into text.
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