It took several tries, but I was finally able to upload a picture, one not from my trip, but from the house, taken while messing with the camera last night. There will be a few more over the course of time since I took quite a few, generally of things I have taken pictures of before, but last night I was using more candlelight and no flash. There was some other light, but it was more of the oblique sort.
Today, I scheduled off. I actually did the final bit of shopping needed for my nieces & nephews: now, comes the shipping. There is also a little waiting involved this week, as I am hoping for something to arrive for one of my nieces that I ordered from online. Because all my Christmas cards were packed, I finally decided to get out my Christmas boxes, though I haven't yet figured out where to put the tree, since the sofa takes up much of the open space that was available last year, and upending it on its are is not in my plans. Also, while getting boxes out and writing this, laundry is happening. This is probably multi-tasking at its best, especially as it doesn't involve a phone or work. I guess I could add to the fun by opening a beer, but that might be too much, causing me to collapse in a fit of what to do next--type, unpack boxes, or drink more, luckily, I have an hour until the laundry requires folding. Danish pseudo-rap holiday tunes....sometimes, I wonder what I was thinking, but smile instead, sort of happy that odd things show up on my ipod, and it isn't all the traditional stuff everyone else has, though there is a fair share of that, too.
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