Today should have been a holiday at work. Everyone sort of felt like it, but they decided that MLK day just doesn't deserve the extra holiday. If I were willing to argue for fewer days at Christmas, they might agree to rearrange the holidays, but I don't really want the enmity of everyone at work. The only people likely to complain about the Christmas arrangement are new hires with less than 90 days of service who don't get paid for any of it.
Wow, that is really nothing. I do think I need to resume my habit of having at least mildly interesting/amusing things to post, but that doesn't seem the case the last few. Is it possible that I have bloggers' burnout so soon? It doesn't much matter if I do or don't, because I like to pretend there is something therapeutic about the act of writing, so whether or not there is much here is of less importance than the act of putting words on the screen. Not words for there to be words, but words that express something, even if it is as inane as a day at work. The real pathetic part of things is that there are way too many people out there with lousy jobs. One of my coworkers (in another department) called in quits today. It is my understanding she was tired of being dumped on, though whether or not she tried to resolve things before leaving, which I believe she probably did, since the resolution didn't happen fast enough or was not to her liking, I can't do much but commend her on her decision. The rather funny thing was, when I told someone she did the right thing, they were appalled, and I still think they are, because if a job gives you health problems, you need to leave.
Dude, twist that shade around, the light's right in my eyes!
yep--I'm certainly an advocate of quitting one's job if health issues crop up because of it. Where'd you get the lamp?
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