Thursday, December 08, 2016

Frank O'Hara

One of the things I found interesting about Joe LeSueur's book (Digressions) was how totally ordinary he made Frank O'Hara's creative process seem.  He doesn't describe any great bit of drama or rituals, but rather the matter of fact style of much of the poetry relays fairly accurately the matter of fact way in which they were written.  Much of his poetry was the poetry of his days, perhaps not so esoteric as Pound, but at least it is relatable.  We all watch tv, and we have all seen movies, as well as listen to music.

I wonder sometimes if the more esoteric an author get, does it seem the audience is smaller, or just more pompous because they "get" the author?  I do think poetry should be relatable, because if it requires too much specialized knowledge, then it won't have any sort of audience.

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