Thursday, May 17, 2007

Later that week...

Thursday now, not Next, and still trying to decide whether to continue this blog. Blogs are now, current, and happening, but if you generally try to keep upbeat, and you are having a bad week, all that bile spilling into the blog is a bad thing. Spreading that lousy aura about doesn't actually make it go away, it just exposes more people to it. How long can a I continue on this note before I either tire of it or it just brings me down? I don't know really, and I don't know the answer, and all I can say is that some days a certain bleakness invades my rose tinted glasses, and until I effectively clean them, it just messes things up.


Anonymous said...

...and why would you decide not to continue it?

Anonymous said...

To can certainly have a lousy aura, but it's what one does with it that makes the difference.