Saturday, June 21, 2008

Solstice Parade

While it refrained from raining, it was gray all day for the Solstice Parade, which made it tolerable outside because for some reason it was also fairly muggy, which is not that normal here.  The parade was fun, starting with the naked cyclist and continuing on through a variety of people.  I refrained from taking a picture of the guy with his crotch framed and "Cheney" as the title, but then it shouldn't really surprise me at this parade that someone would walk down the street with nothing but a picture frame on.  With the implosion of the gay pride festival, or perhaps just the duplication of the gay pride festival, with dueling parades & dueling post-parade activities (and no one really sure of the "correct" one to support), perhaps June here will just become the Solstice Parade, which would be nice because I can walk there.

One of today's participants was especially cool, though I didn't get a picture of her.  She went around with a basket of books & markers, stopping with the kids on the route and distributing pages to color on and markers to do the coloring with, giving them to the kids who were totally unsure of what was going on.  Later on, she came back, stopping at the locations where she had distributed paper earlier and picking it up.  On this second trip, one of the parade-goers asked if she was picking up trash and gave her some of his own.  To say this for the young lady, she did offer to take it with no visible qualms.

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