Saturday, October 04, 2008

Someday, I will

actually have what I want to say here planned and perhaps somewhat thought out. That day is not today. Today is one of those mornings where it has been raining all morning, and when I woke up, I thought, great, another day in the house. Lots of house time has become a bit tedious, and, just as the weather is turning, and finances are tightening, I get cabin fever. What is a world traveler with a soon to expire passport to do? The passport thing shouldn't be a big deal. Interestingly, the dollar, after falling to pathetic levels this spring and summer, is now back to where it was last November when I went to Paris and the lowlands. I don't say that to imply international destinations are on my list, as I haven't really considered any lately. I also haven't really considered much US travel, though I have a friend who has a fabulous apartment for another month or so in San Francisco. The sun is trying to break through the gloom, and I guess that could be a metaphor right now to describe my life, though I think that angst is supposed to be burned through as an adolescent.

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