Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Just sneaking in a posting for today

Happy Valentine's Day, for those who enjoy the holiday.  I have been so perpetually single, that I no longer worry about it, and tend to forget about it.  No hard feelings with the holiday, just not something I have spent any time enjoying for a very long while.

I did do laundry today, which is what I consider my accomplishment for the day.  Clean clothing is a nice valentine to myself, and my co-workers will be pleased that my clothes don't bear that need to be cleaned stench (though I have a desk job, so that really isn't an issue).

That is pretty much it.  I seem to think the futility of posts like this is probably why this blog keeps going dormant.  If not the reason, it was probably a contributing factor, since I am sometimes one of those annoying all or nothing sorts.

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