Saturday, December 29, 2007


While it is less than 30% of the possible number of posts per year, if one posts once daily, I have managed to finally break the 100 mark. Who knows, maybe I have managed 100 individual page views by this point as well, though if I have, it has been my luck not to have any comments from those viewers, so I can pretend that no one is reading this at all.

There are all sorts of studies showing up on web privacy, and in those, it actually sounds as if the younger set is better about maintaining some semblance of privacy, while older people let everyone access everything. I don't know if I believe this completely, but it isn't really my concern right now. I have read some fascinating blogs that reflect on personal experience, and I am still at a loss as to how those who blog professionally for a living actually get paid if they don't work for a new organization which is paying their salary. I just can't imagine ad supported blogging that likely to generate enough revenue to keep someone going. Most likely, it is my lack of imagination which prevents me from seeing the truth about that though.

I haven't really done anything today. I was going to go to the art supply store, but the foul weather gave me pause and I stayed at home instead. My desktop is downloading the online Lord of the Rings game, and I may spend part of my long weekend playing that, since there is a 7 day free trial. In truth, the last thing I really need is another online game-Guild Wars keeps me busy enough when I play, and splitting that time between two games is not giving me enough time to enjoy either. If I don't like it, uninstalling it is always an option. If I do like it, then it will still probably be uninstalled, since I don't know when I will manage to play it, especially if I sign up for a few weekend art classes to dip my free time back into painting.

There is much to do, and the new year makes it seem urgent.

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